Wednesday, February 25, 2009

" why ME?? "

i know there are a lot of girls sweeter than me, smarter than me, sexier than me, nicer than me, funnier than me.. and oh the "than me" list goes on..
but then another thing hit me again.. there’s only ONE me… haha

i’m not here to justify the way i act or the way i am. i’m blessed with a very understanding family and friends who genuinely love me. and i’m grateful for them. despite my being temperemental.

i’m not drunk, i’m not stoned. i’m just plain happy.



these is for you… you know who you are…

here goes…

it all passed by so fast

things change
people change
feelings change

unexpected things happen
in just one blink of an eye
problems come my way
decisions have to be made

conscience is hunting me
and now i feel bad

im bothered
im down

i thought i was brave
but what i did made me feel weak

is this real?
is this right?
will i be ok?
will my decision be fine?

im tired of thinking
im tired of deciding

i hope all will work out well
i hope this will not fail

but with what ive done
i believe
happiness is not what i deserve