Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ENCHANTED (d' movie!)

i watched the movie with my ex bofyfriend. i loved it! super! super fairytale! :) watch it, youd be super engrossed sa movie because it's so nice. what struck me most about the movie was that Giselle was so innocent and naive. she was very easy to please, and it amused me. Plus, her character in the movie really made me realize why do we really need to complicate our lives. why can't it just be simple? right? but again, the place where we are right now is not Analasia, its REALITY. i just think that like her, we all should just change our perspectives and start looking at the brighter side of things. :) plus, its a combination of snow white and sleeping beauty and cinderella :) cute!! atchaka for once, it was the princess that fought for her prince :) it truly showed the real situation right now. :) haaaay :) the effects were also awesome,.. the only thing inconsistent about that is where did Nathaniel and Prince Edward get their money? but then again, its a fairytale! it needs no explanation!

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